Saturday 11 February 2012

New Shoes!

Driving around with no wheel trims meant that whenever we parked up, Chezzy looked like an abandoned vehicle.  Poor ol' boy!  Eventually we're going to sort him out with a set of classy alloys but to smarten him up in the meantime we nipped down to Halfords and bought him some new shoes.  It's only a small thing and cost about £20 but we couldn't believe the difference it made.

As you can see from the photo below it's been a lovely day here in Norwich, so we decided to hop in and have a wander into the city to go and take a look at some fabric shops.  We went to get some ideas about colour schemes, patterns, and prices, and after trawling through four or five haberdashers we found we didn't really agree on anything.  It seemed that where Angie was more keen on the subtle tones and patterns, I was a fan of bright colours and loud prints!  Oh dear...  But, we struck gold when we both spotted a gorgeous fabric that we thought would be perfect for the upholstery.

Yes, he's had a bath :o)

Think we might be going for a green theme...

Saturday 4 February 2012

Chezzy's First Snow

I love snow!  It makes everything feel so clean and peaceful somehow, and the bonus is that when it melts off the van it'll take all the crud with it!  Clean van!

Winter wonderland - ahhh innit lovely jubbly?