Thursday, 31 May 2012

Somewhere For the Bacon & Beer

Another internet bargain!  This time from good ol' Gumtree.  It seems to pay off spending lots of time patiently watching eBay and such like... you can get some cracking stuff for peanuts.
This lovely little fridge was bought by the previous owner with the intention of putting it in a horse box, but for whatever reason (possibly the fact that horses don't have opposable thumbs and therefore can't get the door open???) the owner decided against that and advertised it for sale as brand new and unused.  Ange spied it, noted that it was the perfect little fridge for our bus, and so arranged a courier to get it from the heathery hills of Scotland to London.  It arrived safe 'n' sound looking spanky new and incredibly diddy.  It's pretty cute for a fridge!  As long as we can fit supplies for a bacon sarnie and a cuppa cha, we'll be happy!
It's just crying out to be plastered with novelty fridge magnets.
Rinky dinky shelves for rinky dinky supplies.
All very tidy looking and ready to run off gas, 12v, or 240v hook up.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Stunners in the Sunshine

Today we had a family day at my aunty's in Felixstowe.  We had a lovely BBQ and jug of Pimm's, followed by a trip down to the ferry for a spot of crabbing and an ice cream.  On the way back along the coast road we caught sight of these chaps.  Alright, so they're definitely not wedges... but WHAT a pair of beauts!  Seeing the result of someone else's love, elbow grease, and attention to detail really puts a smile on your face and makes me feel like one day we'll have a bus to be really proud of too :o)

Felixstowe Ferry -  A lovely old boat yard unspoilt by tourism and a great place to drop a crab line whilst drinking tea from a polystyrene cup.  Happy days! :o)
Abso-bloomin' gorgeous.  Total bus envy!